What are Amazon Storefronts and how do you find them?
Over half of online consumers start their product searches on Amazon. It is so important for businesses to capitalize on this opportunity. Amazon provides the perfect platform for entrepreneurs to showcase their products, increase visibility, and reach millions of customers worldwide. By taking advantage of Amazon’s low fees and easy-to-use interface, small and large business owners can maximize their profits while also gaining valuable insights into customer preferences. This is where Influencers and Associates come in. Influencers and Associates are individuals who leverage their networks to promote products and services on Amazon. Influencers can target a specific audience, build word-of-mouth marketing campaigns, and strategically focus their efforts to generate more sales. In addition, affiliates of both type are often rewarded with commission payments based on the performance of their campaigns. Read all about Amazon storefronts below.
Here is a little info on the Amazon affiliate programs:
Amazon Influencers are creators that promote products through Amazon’s Influencer program. There is also the Amazon Associates program, those accounts do not get a storefront but they can still make a lot of money by linking to specific products. The Associates program is easier to get into.
Some things to note on how the affiliate programs work:
- Like most affiliate programs, content creators have apply to become an Amazon Influencer or Associate, Keep in mind, they are separate applications and you can be a member of both.
- Creators that get approved for the program get an affiliate link. With this special link, they get credit for their content that leads to sales on Amazon.
- Creators earn a commission for purchases within 24 hours tracked by their link clicks.
Approved creators in the Influencer program also get their own Amazon influencer storefront. This is a page featuring the creator’s recommended products. They can add whatever products that they like and want to recommend. The sales from the storefront are then attributed to the creators. Here is mine for example:
If you are confused about which to apply for, try both! If you get denied you can always apply again. Keep in mind that you need to get at least 3 sales within the first 6 months to stay in the program. But you can also apply again if you don’t make them and start over.
Apply directly at Amazon Associates home page
But I Just Want to Shop!
Here are a few easy steps you can take to make finding an Amazon storefront a breeze!
Surprisingly, there is no general Amazon influencer search space and no main creator list to pick from.
However, Amazon does have some options for searching for creators that you may want to follow on the site. You can browse potential influencers via Amazon Live. Through these livestreams, Amazon influencers show different products and interact with customers. Also, you can go to the #FoundItOnAmazon page and explore categories and posts from influencers there. You can find Amazon storefronts by looking at reviews as well. If you come across a review that mentions a specific Amazon store, then you can go to that store and see what products they recommend.
You can also find a ton of Influencers by searching these hashtags:
Hashtags to use for Amazon Influencers on Instagram
- #AmazonFinds
- #AmazonHome
- #AmazonDeals
- #AmazonMustHaves
- #AmazonFashion
Hashtags to use for Amazon Influencers on TikTok
- #AmazonFinds
- #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt
- #AmazonFashion
- #AmazonHaul
- #FoundItOnAmazon
But, what if you have a particular Influencer in mind?
If you know the person’s name or the name on their social media accounts, that’s a great starting point. Look for amazon links they’ve shared, or product reviews they’ve written to locate their Amazon storefront.
Another way to find someone’s amazon store is by searching amazon search engine using the person’s name. Sometimes, you can find someone’s Amazon storefront by using the search bar at the top of the page. But this is assuming their name is also the name of the store. Type in their name and then select “shop by the department”. This could bring up the Amazon store associated with that person.
You can also find amazon storefronts by looking at amazon reviews. If you come across a review that mentions a specific amazon store, then you can go to that store and see what products they recommend.
Finally, if you know the Amazon store name, you can go to Amazon.com and search for it in the search engine. This should bring up all of the products that are available from that amazon storefront.
These options should get you to an influencer quickly and easily! Now start exploring all of the amazing amazon stores and follow your faves!