How To Sell On Instagram 101

How to sell on instagram girl

The Instagram Marketplace: Understanding the Seller Landscape

Instagram is more than just a social media platform for sharing pretty pictures and following your favorite celebrities. It has quickly become a popular marketplace for sellers of all types. It helps them show off their products and connect with potential customers from around the world. This has changed the way we shop, as we now have access to unique products that were previously hard to find in traditional brick-and-mortar stores. To Selling on Instagram is the way to go!

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With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram offers an incredible opportunity for businesses of all sizes to reach new audiences and drive sales. In fact, according to recent studies, 70% of shoppers turn to Instagram for product discovery, with more than 130 million users engaging with shoppable posts each month.

As a result, it’s no surprise that many entrepreneurs and small business owners are turning to Instagram as their primary sales channel. But with so many sellers, it’s important to understand the landscape to sell on Instagram and stand out among the competition.

There are different types of sellers on Instagram – individuals selling handmade crafts or vintage clothing; small businesses selling niche products like specialty foods or skincare; and even influencers promoting sponsored products. It’s like the new Etsy! Each type of seller has its own unique strategies and challenges when it comes to winning on Instagram – which is what makes the marketplace so diverse and interesting!

instagram sales

Types of Selling on Instagram

Instagram has become a hub for sellers of all kinds, from individuals selling their own products to small businesses and influencers promoting sponsored products. Each type of seller brings their own unique flavor to the platform, creating a diverse and exciting shopping experience for consumers.

Individuals selling their own products

One of the most common types of sellers on Instagram are individuals who sell their own handmade crafts or vintage clothing. These sellers often curate a specific look or style, which they show in their photos and captions. They might use hashtags like #supportsmallbusiness or #shopsmall to target customers who value unique items.

For these types of sellers, building a strong brand identity is key to success on Instagram. By consistently posting quality photos that show their unique products and style, they can create a loyal following that will eagerly await new releases and updates.

Small businesses selling niche products

Another type of seller on Instagram are small businesses that focus on niche products like specialty foods or skincare. These sellers often have a specific target audience in mind, such as health-conscious buyers or those with particular skin concerns.

These sellers might use Instagram to promote new product launches, share testimonials from satisfied customers, or offer exclusive discounts to followers. By using social media engagement tactics like contests or giveaways, they can increase brand exposure and attract new customers.

Influencers promoting products

There are influencers who use Instagram as a place to promote products in exchange for payment or free merchandise. These influencers often have large followings (sometimes in the millions) and work with brands across various industries. For these types of sellers, maintaining authenticity is crucial.

Followers can quickly spot insincere endorsements, so it’s important for influencers to only work with brands they truly believe in and whose values align with their own. By sharing honest reviews and personal experiences with products, they can build trust with their audience and increase engagement.

instagram personality

Strategies for Successful Selling on Instagram

Building a Strong Brand Identity through Consistent Visual Branding and Messaging

One of the most important strategies for successful selling on Instagram is to build a strong brand identity. This includes having a consistent visual branding and messaging across all of your posts.

This will help your followers recognize your brand and products immediately, which can increase their likelihood of buying. To achieve this, it’s important to use the same filters, fonts, and color schemes in all of your posts.

You should also create a unique hashtag that reflects your brand or product, which can be used in all of your posts. By creating a cohesive look and feel for your brand on Instagram, you can set yourself up as an authority figure in your industry.

Utilizing Hashtags and Engagement Tactics to Increase Visibility and Sell on Instagram

Using hashtags on Instagram is crucial for increasing visibility and reach. By using relevant hashtags in each post, you can make it easier for users to find you when they search for specific topics or products. Whether you use dropshipping to fulfill your orders or ship your own products, hastags are helpful to get visibilty.

This can lead to more likes, comments, shares, and ultimately sales. In addition to using hashtags, engagement tactics such as liking other users’ posts and responding to comments can also help increase visibility.

When you engage with other users on the platform, they are more likely to engage with you in return. This can lead to more exposure for your brand among their followers.

Leveraging Influencer Partnerships to Reach New Audiences

Partnering with influencers who have large followings on Instagram is another effective strategy for reaching new audiences. By working with influencers who align with your brand or product niche, you can gain access to their followers who might not have been aware of your business before.

When working with influencers, it’s important to ensure that they have engaged audiences that align with your target market. You should also provide them with clear instructions on how to promote your product or brand, and offer them incentives such as a commission or free product in exchange for their promotion.

Overall, building a strong brand identity, using hashtags and engagement tactics, and leveraging influencer partnerships can all greatly increase the success of selling on Instagram. By using these strategies consistently over time, you can create a loyal following of customers who are eager to purchase your products.

Challenges of Selling on Instagram

Increased competition due to the popularity of the platform

One of the biggest challenges faced by sellers on Instagram is the sheer amount of competition they’re up against. With over a billion monthly active users, it’s no surprise that many small businesses and individuals have turned to Instagram as a way to sell their products.

This means that there are thousands (if not millions) of other accounts vying for your potential customers’ attention. To rise above the noise, it’s important to have a clear and consistent message and aesthetic that sets you apart.

Consider what makes your product unique and highlight these key selling points in your captions, stories, and posts. Additionally, taking advantage of hashtags can help narrow down your audience to those who are most likely to be interested in what you’re selling.

Standing out in a crowded market when trying to sell on Instagram

In addition to increased competition comes difficulty standing out in a crowded market. Instagram is a visual platform and users are constantly scrolling through their feeds at lightning speed. As such, it’s important for sellers to create eye-catching content that stops users mid-scroll.

Creating visually appealing posts can help catch the eye of potential customers while also providing valuable information about your products or services. However, it’s important not to sacrifice substance for style – make sure that your posts provide value beyond just aesthetics.

Don’t be afraid to get creative with how you present your products or services on Instagram. Consider using different types of media such as videos or carousel posts to showcase different aspects of what you’re selling.

Navigating the constantly changing algorithms that impact reach and engagement

Another major challenge faced by sellers on Instagram is navigating its ever-changing algorithm. The algorithm determines which posts appear first in users’ feeds based on factors such as engagement rates and relevance.

However, these factors are known to change frequently, leaving many sellers struggling to maintain consistent reach and engagement. To combat this, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest algorithm changes and adjust your strategy accordingly.

For example, engaging regularly with your followers through comments and direct messages can boost your relevance score and increase the likelihood that your posts will appear in their feeds. Additionally, consider expanding your social media presence beyond just Instagram.

While it’s a popular platform for sellers, it’s not the only one available. By keeping a presence on other platforms such as Facebook or Pinterest, you can reach a wider audience and mitigate some of the risk associated with relying solely on Instagram for sales.

instagram personality sales

The Power of Instagram Stories for Product Promotion

When it comes to selling on Instagram, utilizing Instagram Stories is an often-overlooked tactic that can have a big impact. Instagram Stories offer a unique opportunity for sellers to showcase their products in a more organic and authentic way than traditional posts.

With features like augmented reality filters, polls, and questions, sellers can create fun and engaging content that allows them to connect with their audience in a more personal way. One effective way to use Instagram Stories for product promotion is by highlighting behind-the-scenes glimpses of your creative process.

This approach not only allows you to showcase the quality of your products but also gives potential customers insight into the time and effort that goes into each item. Another tactic is to create short tutorials showing how your products work or how they can be used in new and exciting ways.

In addition, using things like the swipe-up link or tagging products directly in your stories makes it easy for interested customers to purchase without ever leaving the app. By using Instagram Stories in your overall selling strategy, you can increase engagement with your audience and drive sales in a fun and creative way.

Selling on Instagram with Shoppable Posts

Instagram’s shoppable post feature has revolutionized e-commerce on the platform by allowing users to purchase products directly through posts instead of having to navigate away from the app. Potential customers can be taken directly to a purchase page where they can complete their transaction. To utilize this feature, sellers must have an approved business account linked with Facebook Commerce Manager.

Once approved, adding shoppable tags is as simple as selecting the “Tag Products” option when creating a new post and selecting which items are featured in the image. This not only streamlines the purchasing process but also makes it easier for sellers to track sales. However, it’s important to keep in mind that not all products are eligible for shoppable tags. There are strict guidelines for how they can be used.

For example, sellers cannot tag products in images that contain text overlays or logos. Despite these limitations, utilizing shoppable posts is an effective way to increase conversions. It also makes the purchasing process more seamless for customers.

Tagging Products in Your Posts

How to tag products in regular posts and Stories

To enhance the shopping experience for your followers, Instagram’s Shoppable Posts feature allows you to tag your products directly in your posts and Stories. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Ensure that you have a business account on Instagram and that it is connected to a Facebook catalog.

2. Create a post or Story as you normally would, selecting an attention-grabbing image or video.

3. Tap on the “Tag Products” option when prompted.

4. Choose the product from your connected catalog that you want to tag in the post or Story.

5. Position the product tag strategically on the image/video, ensuring it does not obstruct any crucial details.

6. Add an engaging caption that entices viewers to explore and purchase the tagged product.

Connecting your product catalog with Instagram

Before tagging products, it is essential to connect your product catalog with Instagram. This process enables seamless integration between your e-commerce platform and Instagram’s Shoppable Posts feature, simplifying product tagging and inventory management. To connect your product catalog:

1. Ensure you have a Facebook Business Manager account, as this is where catalogs are created and managed.

2. Access Business Manager settings and navigate to “Catalogs.”

3. Create a new catalog or claim an existing one related to your business.

4. Select “E-commerce” as the type of catalog if you plan to showcase products for sale.

5. Connect this catalog with your e-commerce platform by following Facebook’s integration instructions specific to your platform. Once successfully connected, you can easily manage and sync inventory between your e-commerce platform and Instagram.

Making Data-Driven Decisions to Sell on Instagram with Analytics

One of the most powerful tools available to sellers on Instagram is the platform’s analytics feature. By showing detailed insights into engagement, reach, and follower demographics, sellers can gain a deeper understanding of how their content is performing. And then they can make data-driven decisions about their overall strategy.

Some key metrics to pay attention to include engagement rate (likes + comments / followers), reach (how many unique users saw your content), and impressions (the total number of times your content was viewed). Analyzing these metrics over time can help identify which types of content perform best with your audience and inform decisions about future posting strategies.

In addition to these basic metrics, Instagram also provides more advanced insights such as audience demographics (age range, location) and account activity (when your followers are most active on the platform). This information can be invaluable when tailoring content specifically for your target audience.

Overall, incorporating analytics into your selling strategy allows you to make informed decisions based on real data rather than just guesswork. By leveraging this powerful tool provided by Instagram itself, sellers can optimize their presence on the platform and increase sales in a measurable way.

instagram products


Instagram is a great platform for sellers to showcase their products and reach a large audience. To succeed on Instagram, focus on building a strong brand identity through consistent visual branding and messaging. Also, use hashtags and engagement tactics to increase visibility and reach.

Leveraging influencer partnerships can also help sellers reach new audiences. However, there are challenges that come with selling on Instagram. There is lots of competition due to the popularity of the platform among sellers.

It can be difficult to stand out in a crowded market, so it’s important for sellers to find unique ways to showcase their products. Despite these challenges, there are lesser-known details about selling on Instagram that can help sellers succeed.

For example, using Instagram Stories for product promotion is an effective way to engage with followers and showcase products in a more casual way. Shoppable posts are also useful for streamlining the purchasing process for customers.

Overall, while selling on Instagram may have its challenges, it can be a lucrative platform if approached strategically. By focusing on building a strong brand identity, utilizing engagement tactics and influencer partnerships, and taking advantage of lesser-known selling features like shoppable posts and stories – sellers can achieve success on this popular social media platform.



I started Social Kelli as more of a journal than a blog and realized that it could also speak to other women like me leading normal yet unique lives. Women like me, who are not celebrities but are creative, intentional, mature yet experimental, constantly evolving, (over)thoughtful, engaged where they want to be, decidedly disconnected from the noise and of course, purposely comfortable with who they are…

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